How we’re supporting carers across the county – Carers’ Week 2023
Carers’ Week – 5 – 11 June 2023
Every day in the UK, around 6,000 people become unpaid carers, resulting in 6.5million carers providing unpaid care across the country. As a trust, we depend on the vital contribution carers make, but it’s also really important that we’re supporting them.
Our carers’ assessment service specialises in supporting the carers of people who have mental health conditions, working across the county within children and adolescent, adult, and older peoples’ services.
Deputy manager for the service, Sam Pike, explains how the service is supporting carers across Somerset: “Founded in 2002, the service consists of 14 carers assessment workers, two carers peer support workers, a carers engagement worker, team administrator, deputy manager, and development manager.
“Carers referred into us will be offered a carer’s assessment, where the team will look into how being in a caring role impacts on your life, your health and wellbeing, your strengths, and the difficulties or challenges you’re facing. We can then identify what support is available, and put a plan in place to get the helping hand needed. We can also signpost to local support groups or information that can help.
“With so many unpaid carers in Somerset, we try to offer whatever support we can, linking in with colleagues across our mental health services, as well as other carer support services through the council.”
Just some of the feedback received by carers supported by the service include:
“Being a carer is lonely. Many people do not understand what being a carer is like, because they have not experienced it. Being in the carers group, I do not have to explain what my life is like and I am not lonely.”
“Firstly, I just wanted to send you the biggest thanks for the time and care that you gave me on Wednesday. It helped so much! I’ve had a first read of all the info you sent and will take more time to re-read everything, so much help!”
“I don’t know if you realise the importance of the impact your relationship with carers like myself has, on enabling us to keep our heads above water and continue to care for our loved ones in a positive way knowing that you have our backs should we need you. Thank you for everything you do.”
How carers can get support at Somerset FT
Carers of people with mental health conditions (who are known to Somerset mental health services) can either be referred by a GP or another healthcare professional, or can self-refer into the carers’ assessment service.
For anyone caring for someone with a physical health condition, Somerset Carers offers a similar support service to the assessment service, providing a free, tailored package of support.
Raising awareness this Carers’ Week
Carers’ Week is taking place this week (5 – 11 June) and our carers’ assessment service have been running drop-in events to highlight the importance of supporting carers.
Somerset Carers also hosts many events, from regular Talking Cafes, to coffee & cake, mindfulness, and crafting events for carers in Somerset.
Find all the information you need on the Somerset Carers website.