Reports, plans and statements

Here you will find a range of information about Somerset NHS Foundation Trust including our priorities and annual reports and all information that we routinely publish.

People Strategy April 2023 to March 2028

Our Green Plan

Our spend over £25,000

Trust Constitution 

Standing Orders

Scheme of delegation

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024-25

Annual self-certification relating to trust’s provider license

Learning from deaths mortality report

Patient Safety Incident Response Plan (PSIRP) Jan 2024

Legacy Somerset FT infection prevention and control annual report 22-23 and legacy Yeovil Hospital Infection prevention and control annual report 22-23

An independent investigation into the care and treatment of Mr D

NHS England has published an independent investigation report into the care and treatment of Mr D, a newly-referred patient of mental health services in Somerset, who killed his neighbour in 2020. NHS England has also published a shared learning bulletin to distil the findings and lessons from the investigation report. The documents are published on NHS England — South West » Somerset website and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has published an action plan in response to the report’s recommendations.