Reports, plans and statements

Here you will find a range of information about Somerset NHS Foundation Trust including our priorities and annual reports and all information that we routinely publish.

Our Green Plan

Our spend over £25,000

Trust Constitution 

Standing Orders

Scheme of delegation

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024-25

Annual self-certification relating to trust’s provider license

Learning from deaths mortality report

Patient Safety Incident Response Plan (PSIRP) Jan 2024

Legacy Somerset FT infection prevention and control annual report 22-23 and legacy Yeovil Hospital Infection prevention and control annual report 22-23

An independent investigation into the care and treatment of Mr D

NHS England has published an independent investigation report into the care and treatment of Mr D, a newly-referred patient of mental health services in Somerset, who killed his neighbour in 2020. NHS England has also published a shared learning bulletin to distil the findings and lessons from the investigation report. The documents are published on NHS England — South West » Somerset website and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has published an action plan in response to the report’s recommendations.