Holistic Needs Assessment

A Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) can be offered at any time but you may be contacted after an initial diagnosis and/or after an acute period of treatment has been completed, e.g. surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy.  It is a time to talk with a Macmillan Cancer Support Worker (CSW) to discuss any non-medical concerns you may have.

You can also contact your Cancer Support Worker direct at any time by telephone (list on main CSW page).  Or if you prefer, via email: livingwithandbeyond@somersetft.nhs.uk

A Holistic Needs Assessment is a structured approach using a checklist to help identify any questions or concerns you may wish to raise.  The checklist is here Holistic Needs Assessment

The focus is the person as a whole and not just their illness.  Individuals decide how much information they would like to share about their current situation and with the support of their Macmillan CSW a care plan is agreed.

The following concerns are examples of what might be discussed in an HNA :

  • Practical – finances and benefits, work, travel, household tasks, communication, equipment to help you
  • Family/Relationships – changes in your relationships, speaking with children, information for carers and those cared for
  • Emotional – worry, anger, guilt, loneliness, loss of independence
  • Spiritual/Religious – faith,  meaning or purpose of life
  • Physical – coping with symptoms and side effects, appearance, eating, fatigue, pain, problems sleeping
  • Other concerns e.g. advice on healthy lifestyle changes, such as stopping smoking, diet and cutting down on alcohol
  • local support groups and online forums available