Ward 6A, Yeovil Hospital

Ward 6A is our ‘Ready to Go’ ward where medically fit patients are cared for while plans are made to meet new or increased ongoing care needs following their stay in hospital. The ward has four bays and six side rooms and is located on level 6 in the main hospital building in Yeovil. The nursing team includes a matron who is responsible for a few of our wards, a ward manager / senior sister, sister, registered nurses, health care assistants, ward receptionists and ward assistants.

On this ward, the nursing team works closely with the therapy team to encourage patients to stay active and increase their mobility and independence. We ensure that patients are up and dressed every morning, including wearing shoes, and where appropriate patients will be able to make themselves drinks just as they would at home.

If you have any questions during your stay, or the stay of a relative, please ask any of our ward colleagues who will help you.

Visiting times: Visitors are welcome between 10am to 8pm seven days a week.