
Blake ward

Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton

Blake ward

Our Blake ward is mainly a surgical ward treating patients with a range of emergency problems such as airway problems, nasal bleeding, fractures and injuries to the bones in your face. We also care for patients having non-emergency surgery.

If you are admitted to Blake ward, it may be for an operation on your head or neck such as nasal surgery after an accident or because your airway has a longstanding blockage. We carry out ear surgery to improve hearing and treat chronic infections, and operations to remove tonsils, thyroid glands and jaw realignment surgery. We also care for patients needing ophthalmic surgery to treat long term visual impairments.

Our Blake ward hosts an ear nose and throat emergency assessment service from 9am to 5pm for patients with minor problems – your GP can refer you if needed.

We also have our ophthalmic day care unit here, Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. Here our patients undergo planned ophthalmic treatments (predominantly cataract and lid surgery) under local unaesthetic.

We work closely with 3 highly skilled head and neck specialist nurses treating patients with head and neck cancer.

Visiting Times: Visitors are welcome between 10am to 9pm – seven days a week. If you have relatives who wish to visit or stay outside of normal visiting times please discuss this with the nursing team.

Number of visitors to a bed: For the safety and comfort of all our patients we restrict visitors to 2 at a time, but do ask the nursing team if more visitors need to come in.

Sister in charge: Jane Wilkinson

Matron: Nicola Cole