
The West of England Imaging Network was set up in January 2022 to join up imaging services across the four integrated care systems and seven trusts across Bristol, Bath, Swindon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. Its aim is to improve systems and standardise processes to support better, faster and safer patient care.

In the West of England, as with much of the NHS locally and nationally, imaging services have developed and evolved within trusts or individual services. It is now necessary, and right, to provide an integrated imaging service which is designed around patient need and improved outcomes.

The West of England Imaging Network aspires to be a connected partnership of integrated imaging services that are:

  • People focused
  • Continuously improving through shared learning and best practice
  • Delivered by skilled, fulfilled and supported colleagues.

Our mission

Enabling collaboration, connecting expertise and sharing knowledge so that we are at the forefront of innovation, delivering the best services for our population.

The Network has four identified programme areas, linked to the Network Maturity Matrix to make progress towards becoming a ‘maturing’ Network by March 2025.