Musgrove Park Hospital Weight Management Service


As a result of the global shortage, we are unable to start Saxenda to new patients, and those already prescribed the medication will be asked to stop completely or reduce the dose.

If you are on the max dose of 3mg, please, can you reduce your dose to 1.2mg. If you have not reached the max dose, please do not escalate any further than 1.2mg. When you have 1 pen left, please contact us in the usual way and we will review each case individually.

Please note, there is a high chance we won’t be able to issue another prescription until the global shortage has been resolved, which might be until at least mid-2024.The pharmacy at Musgrove Park Hospital currently have no Saxenda stock

We are not able to reply to individual emails; however, we will reach out in due course, and we will update with new information as/when we know more.

Please bear with us during this highly unusual time. We will be working as hard as we can to ensure correct decisions are made. Please expect delays with the correspondence.

Further updates will be done via autoreply on

For support about stopping Saxenda, please see our Saxenda page


Thank you for your understanding.

The WM team.



We are a specialised Tier 3 weight management centre, seeing 40-50 people a month. We offer a number of programmes focusing on lifestyle and dietary changes, medication and psychological support. All patients considering bariatric surgery are seen in our service as part of their assessment for suitability for surgery.  It is important that patients are fully prepared for this life-changing procedure. We work closely with surgical team to ensure patients who go for surgery are fully prepared and risks are minimised.

We also see an increasing number of people with rarer conditions linked to obesity such as those with genetic causes, craniopharyngiomas and Prader-Willi syndrome.