Signs of an Unwell Baby

Common conditions in newborns (such as thrush on the tongue, cradle cap, reflux, colic, constipation, nappy rash, dry skin and nasal congestion) are generally nothing to worry about – and can be reviewed by your GP as necessary.

Signs your baby might be unwell:

  • your baby is pale, floppy or unresponsive
  • your baby is grunting and /or breathing fast and the breathing
    sounds difficult
  • your baby’s jaundice looks like it’s getting worse and the have any of these:
    severe lethargy, reluctance to feed, minimal wet/dry nappies or pale/white stools
  • your baby is not feeding as well as before
  • your baby has a continued high pitched or weak cry which cannot be settled with normal measures such as feeding, cuddles, nappy change etc.
  • your baby has a high temperature (above 37.5°C) or an unusually low temperature
  • your baby has a rash or blisters on the skin

If you are concerned about your baby’s health at any time please contact the NHS 111 service for advice, call 999 or take your newborn to your local A&E or urgent care centre as soon as possible.