Private Gastroenterology

Gastroenterology at Parkside provides comprehensive care for patients with disorders and diseases related to the digestive system; this includes the upper and lower gastro-intestinal (GI) tract, liver, gall bladder and pancreas.

  • Dr Daniel Pearl, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Physician

    Dr Daniel Pearl

    Consultant Gastroenterologist and Physician

    For appointments/enquiries, please contact Parkside on 01823 344141.


I was appointed as a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Physician in 2013 at Musgrove Park Hospital, and have a full time NHS contract.

Prior to this I completed 5 years of specialist gastroenterology training in the Wessex region. During my training I took 3 years out of programme to conduct scientific work to analyse the link between cellular lipid chemistry (which is influenced by diet) and inflammatory bowel disease activity, my PhD was awarded in 2014 for this work.

Since taking up my consultant post, my focus has been on delivering safe and high quality endoscopy, developing advanced endoscopic skills and bringing new innovations into my endoscopic practice. I am an accredited bowel cancer screening colonoscopist, a certification which is a marker of a high quality.

Capsule Colonoscopy has recently been introduced as an alternative to colonoscopy or CT colon. I have passed an accredited training programme to specialise in this technique.

My management roles include Director of the Somerset bowel cancer screening programme, clinical lead for the capsule endoscopy service and clinical nutrition lead (shared role).

I am also an active member of the clinical ethics team for Somerset NHS Foundation Trust and have developed a specialist interest in complex clinical nutrition disorders and clinically assisted nutrition.

In addition to my specialist roles and interests, general gastroenterology and liver issues form the bedrock of my clinical practice.

Areas of interest:

colonoscopy; gastroscopy; nasal gastroscopy; capsule endoscopy; capsule colonoscopy; luminal Gastroenterology; hepatology; inflammatory bowel disease; anaemia; cancer; bowel cancer screening; colon polyp management / surveillance including advanced EMR; nutrition; pancreatic failure; intestinal failure; pancreatitis; irritable bowel syndrome; diarrhoea / constipation; abdominal pain; indigestion and gastro-oesophageal reflux; nutritional complications of bariatric surgery; coeliac disease; malabsorption; gastro-intestinal feeding tubes


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