Supporters and fundraising

Art for Life is part of Somerset Foundation Trust’s charity and fundraises to support our activities in improving the hospital environment for patients and staff. Artwork sold from the exhibitions raises 30% commission which is put back into projects undertaken by Art for Life.

Over the past 10 years Art for Life has held a very successful biennial fundraising event called Art on the Block, which with generous donations of unique artworks constructed on A5 blocks has raised over £30,000. Art for Life is very grateful for the support of our sponsor Foot Anstey LLP, auctioneers Bearnes, Hampton and Littlewood, First Manufacturing, our wonderful catering team here at Musgrove and of course the fantastic artists without whom it would not be possible.

In June 2019 we held a launch event for our latest fundraising venture – an exhibition of works donated to Art for Life by a large number of very generous artists.

Art for Life has also been successful in obtaining funding from the Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust to support our music programme at Musgrove Park Hospital. This has supported us taking musicians onto the wards where patients are staying a little longer and provide some light entertainment.