Hearing Aid Accessories, Remote Assistance and Swim Moulds

Hearing Aid Accessories

We can provide information for those with a hearing loss to explore additional equipment aside from hearing aids which can include:

  • hearing aid compatible telephones
  • vibrating alarm clocks
  • personal listeners
  • loop systems.

Further information about equipment can be found at:

Somerset County Council
Tel: 0300 123 2224
Email: adults@somerset.gov.uk

Deaf Plus
Tel or text: 01225 446 555
Email: bath.office@deafPLUS.org

Connevans website

Hearing aids can also have their own compatible wireless accessories to stream sound which can be purchased alongside your hearing aids. These can include phone clips and TV streamers. If you would like information on any of the equipment available, or a demonstration of what we have, please contact our reception on 01823 342187.

Apps and Remote Assistance

Some of our hearing aids have the option of being paired with your smart mobile phone and/or tablet via an app which you can download free of charge. Your smart device then can be used as a remote control for your hearing aid to adjust sound quality, background noise and volume.  If you would like further information to check whether your hearing aids and smart devices are compatible, please contact our reception on 01823 342187 and ask to speak to one of the clinical team.

You can also consent to our remote assistance service via the app described above for us to make adjustments to your hearing aid without the need for you to attend clinic. If you would like further information to check whether your hearing aids and smart devices are compatible for this service, please contact our reception on 01823 342187 and ask to speak to one of the clinical team.

Swim Moulds

Swim moulds are designed to stop water getting into the ear, protecting the ear canal and middle ear system. They are made from a hypoallergenic silicone and come in a range of colours.

They can benefit people who have:

  • had ear surgery
  • persistent infections
  • chronic swimmer’s ear
  • perforated ear drums or modified middle ears systems.

We make an impression of your ear and send it to a mould manufacturer. We then either post it to you or you come back and see us for a fitting. They will cost you £22.50 per mould, unless you have been referred to us by an Ear, Nose and Throat consultant.