Your Care during Pregnancy (Antenatal)

During your pregnancy, you’ll be offered a range of care including regular check-up’s, tests, screenings, and scans. These are designed to help make your pregnancy safer, check the development and wellbeing of you and your baby and check for any health conditions.

You do not have to have any of the tests – it’s your choice. However, it’s important to understand the purpose of all tests so you can make an informed decision about whether to have them. You can discuss this with your maternity team.

If it’s your first baby, you’ll have up to 10 appointments. If you’ve had a baby before, you’ll have around 7. Your midwife or doctor can tell you what appointments you should have.

Your appointments can be at:

  • A Community hub
  • A GP surgery
  • A hospital
  • Your home

Scans and doctor appointments usually happen at the hospital.