What I eat photo of healthy foods such a fruit and veg

What I eat

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

It is important to eat well when recovering from COVID-19. Post-COVID-19 syndrome may be linked to inflammation in the body. The Mediterranean diet is recommended for general good health but appears to be helpful in reducing chronic inflammation. Further information.  A Mediterranean diet, contains plenty of plant based foods and includes:

  • Wholegrain bread, pasta and rice
  • A variety of colourful vegetables and fruit
  • Peas, beans and lentils
  • Nuts, seeds, herbs and spices
  • Some oily fish, seafood and poultry
  • Some dairy such as milk, yoghurts, eggs and cheese
  • Healthy fats such as extra virgin oil, avocados and olives

The Mediterranean diet is not a low fat diet, instead dietary fats are mainly from plant based rather than animal sources. The UK’s Eatwell Guide is a diet of similar proportions.

Appetite loss

One of the consequences of post-COVID-19 syndrome can be lost or reduced appetite and unintended weight loss. This will increase the risk of malnutrition. Malnutrition can delay a person’s recovery as well as worsening fatigue and other symptoms. It is therefore important to take action, to reduce this risk.

Post-COVID-19 syndrome and IBS

Some people notice that they have increased gut problems following COVID and develop symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It’s always important to ensure the diagnosis is correct so you may will want to discuss this with your doctor/clinician. To find out more about IBS, access the NHS website. You may also want to check out these excellent webinars on what you can do to help if you do have symptoms

Nutrition and COVID-19 recovery knowledge hub - Plymouth University

‘One stop shop’ of information to support recovery from COVID-19 through nutritional care.


Community Dietetic Service

The following factsheet may be a helpful resource for patients which provides an overview of diet and long COVID and when to seek support from a dietician.

Long COVID & Diet


Additionally, for those suffering with gut symptoms or unintentional weight loss there is first line webinar advice and handouts available and how to make a ‘self referral’  on NHS website. www.patientwebinars.co.uk