PCN Mental Health Services

Who we are and what we do

The CYP Mental Health PCN Link Team is a team of mental health professionals and care coordinators.

Our aim is to improve the mental health care of young people (5-17) and reduce the strain on primary care services.

We want to connect NHS primary care services to CAMHS specialist services, mental health support in schools and third-party mental health support services.

We currently provide this service in three locality PCN’s

  • Bridgwater Bay
  • Taunton Central
  • West Somerset

Who can refer

  • GPs
  • Colleges and schools
  • Third party organisations

Any professional working directly with the YP/family can contact us.

“If we cover your PCN then leave a message with our colleagues at CAMHS SPA, and we’ll aim to respond within 7 working days.”

“All other Somerset PCN’s will still be able to access support through our central CAMHS SPA service.

Frequently asked questions

Why have I been referred to this service and what can I expect?
We provide brief assessments and short-term interventions, as well as signposting young people and their carers to the most appropriate and effective next steps.