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CBT Skills for Life

This webinar offers an introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It is helpful for those experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety and who would benefit from learning a range of techniques to help manage these symptoms.

Two smiling women at the beach
The course is run by 2 Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWP’s) and runs for one hour per week, for 5 sessions. The following techniques are covered within this course:
SESSION 1: Understanding Low Mood and Anxiety: understanding CBT, goal setting & relaxation.
SESSION 2: Changing Behaviours: how can we change what we do to break the cycle of low and anxiety
SESSION 3: Managing Thoughts: how to deal with worry, overthinking and negative thoughts
SESSION 4: Breaking Down Barriers: problem solving, communication & sleep
SESSION 5: Bringing it all Together: relapse prevention & planning for the future
For each group, there is a 30-minute orientation session 2 weeks before the start of the webinar to introduce you to the facilitators, how to use the webinar platform and what to expect from the course.
Couple Having Morning Coffee

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