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Sleep Workshop

This course is a one-off one hour workshop aimed at people experiencing difficulties with their sleep. This is a new Course that we will be running very soon.

a persons feet sticking out the bottom of a bed
Sleep difficulties refer to persistent problems with sleep that make it difficult for us to have the energy to do the things we need or want to do. This can lead to frustration, and fatigue. Sleeping difficulties can occur before or alongside mental health difficulties, often making these conditions worse. Therefore, improving your sleep may lead to an improvement in your wellbeing. Through this course, we aim to:
  • Improve your Understanding on Sleep
  • Introduce the Vicious Cycle of Sleep Problems
  • Sleep Hygiene Tips
  • Treatment Steps for Improving Sleep
Types of Sleep Problems we aim to help with:
  • Difficulties getting off to sleep.
  • Difficulties staying asleep
  • Waking up too early
  • Sleeping too much
If you relate to one or more of the above, this workshop may be helpful
woman sat on side of bed

Take your first
step today!

This course is currently unavailable